
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2013

Saps què?

Saps què? En el fons et trobo a faltar... No sé... suposo que més que trobarte a faltar a tu és a la forma en què em feies sentir i les coses tan maques que em deies. Mai em vas arribar a agradar realment, però deies unes coses tan maques... Avui he estat pensant que m'encantaria aixecar-me, mirar el mòbil i veure un "Bon dia!" teu de fa hores. Perquè, és clar!, tu et lleves molt més abans que jo i poder contestar-te "Bon mig dia!" perquè jo m'he llevat a les 12. Saps què? Mai un "t'estimo" m'havia semblat tan maco. Sempre havia pensat que les paraules maques en català perdien molt i em semblaven lletjes. Al teu costat vaig canviar d'opinió. Tot  el què deies semblava tan especial, tan únic... No penso que algun cop les vaig creure però em feien sentir en un núvol. M'encantaria parlar d'estupideses amb tu i sentir que podem arribar a ser especials si estem junts. Preocupar-me perquè t'ha picat una serp en lloc de pre...
¿Has oído ese sonido tan horripilante?¿Cómo si algo se resquebrajase y rompiese en añicos? Ha sido mi corazón... Lloro por el dolor que has causado y me cuesta respirar porque sin corazón, no se puede vivir
Se acabó... Ya no hay más y nunca habrá más. No quiero creer
I can't stop myself hahaha I really need to say it... I'm sorry... I still miss you when we spend some days without talking... Yeah, I'm stupid but I can't help myself. I'm sorry I still care about my friend... I know I shouldn't... And I'm really sorry for telling you this... but there's really noone who I can count with except for you... sometimes... I just feel that nothing in my life goes fine and... I don't know... Just been feeling low lately. You have no idea how much I wish I was 16 again... Being an adult and going to University really sucks (for me, of course, everyone loves it) And... I've been wondering if you wanna still be my firend... With that I don't want you to get mad, or angy, or disappointed, or talk to me more. No, really... I just wanna know if you don't mind me talking to you. I'm fine just leaving messages you every now and then, just asking if you are fine about me leaving messages... I'm sorry for ...

Ghost letter

Hello! I'm writing you this ghost letter just to feel fine with myself. (So hypocrite, I know but that's me) First of all, let me explain what a ghost letter is. A ghost letter is a letter you write for someone who is never gonna read it. Usually because you burn it but in this case I'm just not gonna send it to you. The last time we talked was on Thursday and I've mised you every single day since then. Yeah, everyday I ask myself why you aren't talking with me and everytime I see you online I just keep thinking " talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me... " but nothing ever happens... But I've been thinking on why I haven't talked to you... There are two reasons. One is that I don't wanna bother you and I don't wanna make you talk to me if you don't feel like it 'cause it hurts when you don't do it beacuse of your pleasure. And the second is that I'm giving myself time. Time to stop loving or liking ...

I would like to say I hate you...

After two days you replied me saying "I'm bad, so bad, my wallet was stolen" . I tried to made you feel better, give you some advices and... you only refused them... And of course it hurt... Ah! And you didn't ask how I was... My dad always says "If you don't wanna know, don't ask" I think that's the reason you never ask these days. Some hours after that a friend of mine talked to me... He seemed interested in my life but he really wasn't, he's just the worst person I'm gonna ever meet. I really hate him... I'm not gonna say he deserves all the problems he has 'cause that's not true but... I think he looks for them (I'm not sure if that makes sense...). But that conversation killed me and the little happines that I had. Then... on the afternoon you sent me a picture... You know how I feel about that... And it hurt just because you know my thoughts about it. Then you accused me of hating some people (including you).....